Gospelkoor Jesslyn o.l.v. Ilona van Grondelle- de Kievit m.m.v. Dirk Jan Versendaal - vleugel
Van 10 september 2022 14:00 tot 10 september 2022 14:45
Bij Augustijnenkerk
Categorieën: Zaterdagmiddagconcert
Gezien: 1307
- Jesslyn
- Gloria in Excelsis Deo---Jerry Estes
- Affrican Alleluia---Jay Althouse
- Keep your lamps---John Leavitt
- Enter with song---Andy Beck
- Muzikaal Intermezzo
- Go down moses---Gwyn Arch
- Jesslyn
- I loved you---Jay Rouse
- Changes---Audrey Snyder
- Raise your hands---Heather Sorenson
- Muzikaal Intermezzo
- Gospel Train---traditional Spiritual
- Jesslyn
- Give us hope---James Papoulis
- Lord I stretch my hand---Jay Althouse
- Can’t carry these burdens alone---Michael Barrett
- We are the Voices---Jim Papoulis
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